Thursday, October 13, 2011

Death - Submission to GOD


  • Give good news to those who believe and work righteousness that they
    will have gardens with flowing streams. When provided with provisions
    of fruits therein, they will say, "This is what was given to us in the
    past." They will be given similar provisions, and they will have pure
    spouses therein. They abide therein forever. (2:25)
  • Do not think that those who are killed in the cause of God are dead; they are alive at their Lord, being provided for. (3:169)
  • Do NOT say about those who are killed in the cause of God, "They are dead." For they are alive, but you do not perceive. (2:154)
  • O you who believe, you shall respond to God and the messenger when he invites to what keeps you alive. (8:24)
  • Those who emigrate in the cause of God, then get killed or die, God will surely provide for them a good provision. (22:58)
  • They do not taste death, beyond the first death, and God spares them the retribution of Hell. (44:56)
  • He was told, "Enter Paradise." He said, "I wish my people (on earth)
    know; that my Lord has forgiven me and honored me." (36:26-27) 

Important note to learn and Read Quran online

The Holy Quran is the word of Allah; it has been sent down to guide us and the guidance can online be gained through reading quran online. No other book can be like holy quran. As you come to the learn tajweed quran, Allah speaks to you and reading Arabic Quran is to hear Him, even to converse with Him, and to walk in His ways. So it is must for us as a Muslim to learn and do quran memorization by heart and the Quran tutor should teach the kids from quran qaida and then teaching quran online along with the quran tafseer and let the kids memorize quran so that we as Muslim could learn quran tajweed rules and then understand the quran tafseer  It is the encounter of life with the Life-giver. 'God - there is no god but He, the Ever-living, the Self-subsisting (by whom all subsist)  He has sent down upon you the Book with the Truth ... as a guidance unto mankind ...' (Al 'Imran 3: 2-3 learn quran recitation). So we should always remember the guidance of Allah and we should be listening to quran online along with obeying the commandments of Allah so let us join hands to lean the Koran and let our kids do quran memorization and learn the teaching of quran education online and apply them in there life there is kids quran lesson available online as well


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